Sunday, June 19, 2011

Not to bring all the future docs down but here is another downer but true piece

This film is called the Vanishing Oath. It was done by a physician and it highlights the era we are in. We need to do something to stop the insurance companies and the government from ruining medicine! This clip is a small part of the film and not the best clip they could have chosen. I recommend watching the whole thing.
Video here


  1. Whenever I speak to someone about medicine, all I hear are complaints about doctors and the lack of time they are spending with patients. What these people don't know is that is not the way the doctor intends it to be. It appears that we are all cogs in the massive insurance wheel.

    I just watched the clip and was not surprised. Billing, billing, billing. This is something that we can address one day if enough of us speak out. Personally, my goal is to one day incentivize my patients to lead healthy lifestyles by offering a cash-based fee system. Saving my patients and myself time and money.

    I just bought the documentary and will let you know what I think.

  2. I watched it. Very frightening, especially since I have given up so much to get to where I am and I am about to start medical school in a month. I can only hope to face the same challenges as the doctor in the documentary head on. I want to fight the good fight.

