Friday, August 19, 2011

Checky Chest Challenge (C3)

Flat bench 80% of your body weight (if you weigh 170 lb use 135) for time:

-16 reps followed immediately by 16 push-ups
-14 reps, 14 push-ups
-12 reps, 12 push-ups
-10 reps, 10 push-ups
-8 reps, 8 push-ups
-6 reps, 6 push-ups
-4 reps, 4 push-ups
-2 reps, 2 push-ups

Note: Begin on the bench and start pressing the bar. If you need to rest between your bench reps you can do so but you must remain lying flat on the bench with the bar racked. As soon as you complete the bench reps you must transition directly to the leaning rest position (push-up position) and begin push-ups. NO RESTING in between bench press and push-ups. If you need to rest during push-ups you can do so but you must remain in the official push-up position. NO knees on floor.

The PRO version of this workout is 20 reps to 2 reps

Send your times in the comment section. Time to beat 4:13 by PJ JS!


  1. 4::13. Great! Something to shoot for.

    Out of curiosity, how much does JS weigh and how much weight did he use?

  2. Irrelevant! He used 80% of his body weight. That's all that matters.

  3. I weigh 185 and I did everything at 150

  4. Rgr..thanks.

    Reason I was asking was for a ballpark. I can guarantee I would perform better at 188 lbs. in two weeks than I would at 196 lbs. a few weeks ago. I'm trying to cut down to the mid 180's so you've given me something to shoot for.

    ...that's why I was asking...

